
Story Utopia

I've come to you all with a topic near and dear to my heart: books. Now, I know people who wouldn't agree with this description, but books are absolutely the best thing ever. They provide an escape when you need one, and ground you in your humanity when you've been floating for too long.

When I was in second grade I was introduced to my first favorite book, Matilda by Roald Dahl. If you haven't read this, dear god find the closest library. It's about this little girl who's a genius, reads a lot, and is so smart she can move stuff with her mind in order to terrify the dictatorial principal of her elementary school.  Basically, Matilda is the definition of coolness in my younger mind.

Now everyone should know exactly what I'm about to rant on here. Harry Potter. Just the whole thing. I started reading this a bit after Matilda, when I had started my whole obsession with supernatural powers and stuff, and my eyes were opened. I admit, the writing in the first few books is kind of iffy, but everything about the flaws only makes the overall series more perfect.

I openly say that I cried like a baby when I was reading the last book. I also admit that while the burial scene did make me tear a little, I basically thought Dobby was just really annoying a lot of the time. Deal with it. But part of what I find incredible about this series is that this was the first book I read where and entire second universe was opened up to me. The idea that there could be another secret world out there

Seventh grade was the fateful year that I first read this amazing thing here. Its about Craig, who is depressed and suicidal. He checks himself into the emergency room and through a series of misunderstandings, is obliged to spend a few days in the hospital's mental ward. It one of the most wonderful things I've ever read.

Honestly, I don't really know why I like this book. A lot of it is really sad. A lot of the people and characters that you love hate themselves.

I think that what I like is that is isn't trying to spread some deep profound meaning. It's just a guy and how he feels and how he deals with it. The words don't sound pretentious because they aren't trying to sound above anyone. They just are.

I feel a bit distracted by the book that I'm reading right now, so I'll leave you all with a picture of a puppy



  1. I adore all of these books!

    "I think that what I like is that is isn't trying to spread some deep profound meaning. It's just a guy and how he feels and how he deals with it. The words don't sound pretentious because they aren't trying to sound above anyone."

    That's exactly why I fell in love with It's Kind Of A Funny Story as well. The story is told so truthfully and humorously. Have you seen the movie?

  2. Actually, I haven't seen the movie. Is it any good? When the movie came out I was still in my "worship" phase of the loving the book, so I was worried they would mess it up.


Comments, opinions, suggestions, and discussion are always welcome! Feel free to join in, and I'll try to respond to as many people as I can.